Constitutional Money: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

[Remarks of RHH prepared for GATA Gold Rush 2011, The Savoy Hotel, London, England, August 4-6, 2011] “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” may in certain situations be an appropriate response, but not to violations of the United States Constitution,...

Viva la Restoration

Remarks of Robert K. Landis Gold Conference Zurich, Switzerland, November 17, 2009 It is an honor and a pleasure to be here among so many good friends and great minds. I feel a special affinity for Zurich. It was the home of my friend and inspiration Ferdi...

Free Gold: Grease the Banks

(L’utilisation potentielle de l’or comme monnaie d’échange par l’industrie pétrolière) [Note: Prepared remarks by RHH for Gold Rush 21, The GATA Gold Conference, August 8-9, 2005, Dawson City, Yukon, Canada] Good Morning. Bonjour. The Gold...

Gold Is Money – Deal with It!

[Remarks by Robert K. Landis to the Association of Mining Analysts, London, England, October 2, 2003] Introduction Gold bugs don’t get out much. And it’s very rare that we get an opportunity to address mainstream opinion makers. So it’s a great honor indeed to speak...

The Once and Future Money

[Note: Presentation to the 2003 Spring Conference, “Beyond the Storm,” hosted by Sage Capital Management, Inc., Houston, Texas, March 12, 2003. The views expressed are mine alone, and not those of Sage Capital.] Good afternoon. I’m delighted to be here today. It’s an...

Money in Court: Paving the Road to Ruin

[Note: Presentation on Thursday, May 23, 2002, to a seminar at the Grocers Hall, London, organized by the Association of Mining Analysts and sponsored by Durban Roodepoort Deep on Prospects for Gold – A new era or more toil ahead?] As indicated on the program,...